It is all about the discussion, reviewing and maintaining the database of food reviews, food workshops, personal cooking, recipe sharing, food events etc. which also includes the home food, food exploration from different areas etc..,

The blog activity is mainly concentrated on the foodie events organized by the local foodie groups namely, Hyderabad foodies club. And the limitation of the posts is just confined to one group, the outing and events from different parts of myexploration are also enclosed.The posts will be mostly from the me and frequent guest posts are also invited occasionally. 

The name slicelicks was the idea of my brother who suggested me, when he was having a piece of the cake slice, which represented the portion of a cake, and from the idea of the different parts of food cultures, cuisines and the food preparation make their part of impact everyday on us. So with the inspiration which i got from him was a motivation and the idea behind the SLICELICKS.


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